Surgical Abortion Care

Surgical abortion care at A-All Women Care abortion clinic Las Vegas

What is a surgical abortion?

It is a safe surgical treatment using the suction method to terminate a pregnancy that is undesired or unhealthy. It is one of the most commonly performed surgeries in the USA.

  • On the day of your appointment for the surgical abortion, you will have blood testing and ultrasound to determine the gestational age of your pregnancy-“how far along you are”.
  • Our doctor will take your medical history and examine you.
  • After that you will be given materials to read and then discuss the process with the clinical staff.
  • The surgical abortion procedure is performed using the vacuum aspiration method by our experienced doctor. It lasts only a few minutes.
  • At first a catheter will be placed in a vein giving you medications for relaxation and pain relief.
  • Then the cervix (the opening of the womb) is numbed and dilated.
  • The womb is evacuated via suction and curettage.
  • Your blood pressure and oxygen levels are monitored throughout the surgical procedure for your safety.
  • The entire process will only take a few minutes.
  • Afterwards you will recover in the recovery room under the care of our staff.
  • When you are feeling stable and well enough you can go.
  • You will return to our office in 1 week to be checked to make sure the process was successful.
  • We will then discuss your birth control options with you and prescribe you what you desire.

Instructions Before A Surgical Abortion

  • Masks are required at all times.
  • Come to our office with a trusted person that will bring you home and stay with you for a few hours until you feel ready and well enough to be alone.
  • You should not have anything to drink or eat 6 hours prior to the procedure.
  • Wear comfortable clothes. Dark colored skirts are preferable as they may hide the presence of pads or any bleeding should your clothes be soiled. You may want to bring a change of underwear, sanitary pads or tampons from home.
  • Do not bring any valuables with you.
  • Anticipate being at our office a few hours.
  • You cannot drive home and you cannot take a taxi or UBER for issues of your personal safety.
  • Should you need to call us for any problems before your visit, you may reach us at our phone line 702-531-5400.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will It Hurt?
Will I be able to have children in the future?
When can it be done?
What to expect? How is it done?
Before you leave our office
How effective is the surgical abortion
What are the risks?
How do we check for success of the surgical abortion
When do we NOT offer the surgical abortion?
Additional medications that may be needed
Infection evaluation, treatment and prenvention


A-All Women Care abortion care Las Vegas, Nevada.

Female Owned & Operated

Woman Gynecologist with Over 20 Years of Experience. Professional, Dedicated & Caring Staff